God is Awesome Everyone is Welcome!

God LOVES You and this is the ultimate Truth of your existence (John 3:16-17).

El Shaddai's Faith, Family and Friends Ministry

A Family that Pray Together, Stay Together !

We are a Small Group Bible Study Ministry (Online and Home Groups) focused on Building up Families !

Where Jesus Christ is Lord!

Our Small Group Bible Studies (Online or Home Groups) are on video conferencing platforms or live-streamed for mobility and easy archiving for our Ministry.

Have Fun with Jesus in your Journey to Eternity! ... Come and Join Us!

The Bible

States that our God is “triune” in nature (Matthew 28:19) Father, Son/Jesus & Holy Spirit (our logo). Likewise, “we” human beings are “tripartite” in nature, primarily a spirit destined to live forever, with a soul living in a physical body  (1 Thessalonians 5:23-25).

The Bible also states that the world/universe that we live in is made of three heavens/spiritual realms or dimensions (Nehemiah 9:6). The first Heaven, is within and around our physical world and airspace next to us. The second Heaven (Revelation 20:14, 1 Peter 5:8) is a spiritual world below us with several levels of spiritual dimensions, that control predominantly what’s going on on our planet. The third heaven (2 Corinthians 12) is a divine and perfect planet/universe or spiritual dimension above us where the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) lives with the angel armies and departed saints of mankind currently lives. If you are wondering why there is not much order and kindness etc. on our planet, it is because of our ignorance of these biblical truths of our existence. Praying Christians keep our planet together until Christ's second coming.

Without the covering and relationship of God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, our planet Earth will blow up easily. Our creator -“Yahweh”- El Shaddai made everything in our universe with an end in mind (Isaiah 46:10), to train your mind to think like the Lord’s – the approach of our Bible Studies is Prophetic (Matthew 25:31-46) future, past to present – using your offices or primary spiritual DNA platforms. We will learn then share the “Excellency” of the Godhead and His Kingdom in our Bible Studies. These biblical truths above have not currently taught and preached extensively in our Christian Churches since our recorded biblical existence of mankind. Hang tightly unto your seats as we take you on a wonderful ride with Jesus into your destiny and the purpose of your life on earth and beyond. It’s not that bad, it’s very powerful once you envision these truths and live them out! Come and join us in this amazing journey with Jesus to Eternity!

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